Thursday, June 6, 2013

Welcome to The Empowerment Corner!  This is a place where expression, permission, power, encouragement, and good bestowed of all kinds can flow.  What does it mean to empower?  It means to give power; inspire, fuel, strengthen; to authorize, enable or permit.  Sometimes it seems that the word "Empowerment" has been used as such a buzz word that it has watered down and its strength, impact and significance are not quite what it should be.  However, when we empower or are empowered, something amazing happens.  It's where possibilities and hope meet. 

On Friday, May 17, 2013, I had the esteemed privilege of attending the first ever “Fearless Women…Our Legacy” project hosted by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington (BGCGW).  The goal of this project is to empower girls ages 10 – 15 to focus on their personal development through enrichment activities with a special emphasis on goal setting, literacy, self-acceptance and creativity.

The purpose and impact outcomes were for the Fearless Girls to establish 2 literacy goals and a plan for achieving these goals, define self-acceptance, determine their positive characteristic traits and to present a project on a Fearless Woman of their choice through their favorite media outlet.

It was amazing to see these young ladies, poised and articulate as they presented their final poster board projects.  Each one of them shared exactly what “Fearless” means to them and which “Fearless Woman” they chose and why.  One was Rosa Parks, another Erica Badu.  Just to see how enthusiastic and passionate they were was moving.  It inspired me that they had a conviction about the impact that these women made and how it inspires them to go after their dreams.

During the event, the mentors were interspersed between the young ladies in order to allow us to get to know one another and create a dialog.  I sat next to a wonderful young lady who is passionate about using Social Media to send her message.  She wants to be a journalist who uses Social Media to communicate her message.  This young lady walked us over to her vision board and eloquently shared with us what each image stood for and meant to her.  She is very active in her community and is a mentor to many others who are her junior.  This young lady inspired me to reignite my passions and embrace them to make a positive impact on the world. 

In these trying times, it’s critical for young women to understand their worth, live it and build on it.  This program is helping them to lay the foundation for the standards and principles they will live by for the rest of their lives.  Kudos to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington (BGCGW), and the program leaders, for creating an opportunity for these young ladies to begin laying the groundwork for their futures.  Congrats to all of the brave young ladies on their accomplishments as they launched out on their journey to becoming “Fearless Women” themselves.  This is just another example of empowerment at its best and I am truly glad to have been a part of it.  Until next time…Stay tuned for more from The Empowerment Corner.

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