Saturday, May 4, 2013

Welcome to The Empowerment Corner!

Welcome to The Empowerment Corner!  This is a place where expression, permission, power, encouragement, and good bestowed of all kinds can flow.  What does it mean to empower?  It means to give power; inspire, fuel, strengthen; to authorize, enable or permit.  Sometimes it seems that the word "Empowerment" has been used as such a buzz word that it has watered down and it's strength, impact and significance are not quite what it should be.  However, as we continue to….because when we empower or are empowered, something amazing happens.  It's where possibilities and hope meet. 

Empowerment is the difference between a young lady pursuing a career that she is forced into by family, and pushing past her fears to go after her dream and excel.  Or a mother who is shown a different perspective of how her life can be, and one who steps out on faith to make strides towards a better life for herself and her children.

There are no limits to how people can live a fulfilled and abundant life just by being given the opportunity, the tools and the encouragement to go after their dreams.

We know that knowledge is power, thus it is critical for us to obtain the necessary information that we can use to educate ourselves which will help get the ball rolling toward laying the foundation for our future.  It’s like gathering the pieces of the puzzle to create a complete master piece.  This knowledge and education will develop the faculties and powers of (a person) by teaching, training, instruction, or schooling.  It will indoctrinate, qualify by instruction or training for a particular calling, practice, etc. 

We can all benefit from that quiet corner where we feel safe, warm and comforted.  It’s a place to share stories, experiences, and tell inspirational tales.  All things that will uplift, enhance, excite and inspire.  Planting seeds that have the potential to develop and grow.  After all, an acorn is just a mighty tree in seed form awaiting the essential items it needs to bloom and grow.  No matter where we find ourselves in life, every day is another opportunity for a new beginning.  So let us begin TODAY!  Stay tuned for more from The Empowerment Corner.

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